Louis Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited luxury brands in the world, making it important to know how to distinguish between an authentic LV bag and a fake. This guide will walk you through the key elements to look for when verifying the authenticity of a Louis Vuitton bag, ensuring that your investment is both genuine and high quality.

Stitching Quality

The stitching on a genuine Louis Vuitton bag is a hallmark of the brand’s craftsmanship. Authentic bags have consistent, even stitching with no loose threads or imperfections. The stitching count on certain areas, such as handles and tabs, is always precise and consistent across models.

Monogram Pattern

Louis Vuitton’s iconic monogram pattern should be perfectly aligned and symmetrical across the entire bag. On an authentic bag, you’ll never see the "LV" logo cut off or misaligned at seams. Counterfeit bags often have uneven or poorly placed monograms that disrupt the overall design.


The hardware on an authentic Louis Vuitton bag is made of high-quality brass or gold-toned metal, giving it a solid and heavy feel. The brand’s name should be finely engraved on zippers, clasps, and other metal elements, with clean and precise lettering. Additionally, the zippers on an authentic LV bag are smooth and easy to operate.

Leather and Patina

Authentic Louis Vuitton bags use high-quality Vachetta leather, which ages gracefully. Over time, the leather develops a natural patina, darkening to a honey-colored hue. If the leather remains light or darkens unevenly, this could indicate a fake. The texture of the leather should also feel soft and luxurious, not stiff or plastic-like.

Date Code

Every authentic Louis Vuitton bag has a date code stamped into the leather or lining. This code indicates when and where the bag was made. Typically, it consists of two letters followed by four numbers (e.g., "SD2121" means it was made in France during the 22nd week of 2021). Counterfeit bags often have date codes that are either missing or incorrect.

Packaging and Accessories

Louis Vuitton packaging, including dust bags and boxes, is another area where counterfeits often fall short. Authentic LV packaging is made from high-quality materials, and the logo on the dust bag is centered and neatly printed. Additionally, be wary of sellers offering authenticity cards, as Louis Vuitton does not include these with their bags.

Final Thoughts

Spotting a real Louis Vuitton bag comes down to paying attention to detail, from the stitching and hardware to the leather’s quality and the presence of a valid date code. When purchasing a pre-loved Louis Vuitton bag, it’s important to buy from trusted sources to ensure the bag’s authenticity.

At ShopShops, we offer a carefully curated selection of pre-loved Louis Vuitton bags, guaranteeing authenticity with every purchase. Explore our collection and shop with confidence.

Shop Authentic Louis Vuitton Bags

September 25, 2024 — ShopShops office
Tags: Authenticity